Pack Announcements

Hello Pack 900!

This Week’s New Bullet Points:
1. Holiday Party
2. Pinewood Car Cutting
3. Scouting for Food
4. Religious Awards
5. Popcorn Sales

Holiday Party
Come in your pajamas!

Pinewood Car Cutting
We are not going to do car cutting this weekend, and instead plan to do it next Tuesday night along with a winning race seminar.

Scouting For Food
The pack is working to collect non-perishable items for the Backpack Ministry at the church that sponsors the us. This food will go to Bell Prairie and Gateway families. We are looking for Fruit Bars, Energy Bars, Granola Bears and kid friendly 15.5 oz canned vegetables. You can bring them to any weekly meeting, and our collimation date is our Holiday Party December 3th.

Religious Awards
The pack will be offering a chance for scouts to earn their protestant religious awards. This is done outside of regular den meetings and is not required to achieve rank, however it is required for Bears to earn their Bear Claw Award. The plan is to start the program December 10th after our regular den meetings. I do encourage your participation; it is a well-crafted and fun program. The God and Family program is for 4th, 5th & 6th grade. The God and Me program is for 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade. Scouts participating will need to pay $8 for the book, but have the option to spend $12.50 for a medal, $7.50 for a pin and/or $5 for a patch. Let me know by to night!

Popcorn Sales
We still have some popcorn left. If you are interested in still selling popcorn, please reach out to Stephanie Lupton

If you need anything scouting related, let me know.

Take Care,
Ryan Meador