New Scout Info

Q. – When does the Pack meet?

A. – The Pack meets on Tuesday Evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Q. – Where does the Pack meet?

A. – The Pack meets at North Oak Christian Church located at 9900 N. Oak Tfry. Kansas City, MO 64155.

Q. – What are the time requirements for the Pack?

A. – This is a loaded question. I always say, show me an active Cub Scout, and I will show you a Scout that is having the most fun. Pack 900 intentionally schedules several events every month with the expectation that families will not be able to attend each event due to scheduling conflicts. At a bare minimum, it is expected that each Scout participate in as many Tuesday night meetings as possible, because that is when the Scouts primarily work on their next rank. The extra events are strongly encouraged to keep the Scout enjoying the program, but are by no means required to achieve the next rank.

Q. – What are the Financial Requirements with Scouting?

A. – Again this is a loaded question. Obviously, the more events that a Scout attends, the more money the family will pay throughout the year. Pack 900 is huge on Fundraising and doing everything in our power to subsidize the overall cost of Scouting. Each year Scouts have any opportunity to sell Trash Bags, and Popcorn. Additionally the Pack hosts a Spaghetti Dinner and Pancake Breakfast each year with the profit going to offset the price of Scouting. There are annual dues that each Scout pays each year to recharter with the Pack, but with the help of the above-mentioned methods, the majority of the Scouts in Pack 900 pay nothing for Annual Dues because they have fund raised enough money. Additionally, each Scout is assigned an individual Scout Account when they register with the Pack. That means that your Scout will benefit 100% from their hard work in raising money, opposed to the money going to a communal account for all Scouts to use.

Q. What are the Uniform Requirements with Scouting?

A. – There are two official uniforms in Pack 900; the Class A and the Class B. The Class A consists of the Official Cub Scout Blue Button-Up Shirt, Official Cub Scout Blue Shorts or Pants, Rank-Specific Handkerchief, Rank-Specific Slide, Cub Scout Belt with Buckle, and the Scout Socks. The Class B is the “Pack 900” T-Shirt given to all new Scouts and shorts or pants of Scouts choice. With that said, the Pack understands that the cost of Scouting initially can add up quick, so starting off the Pack only requires that a Scout have his/her Cub Scout Blue Button-up shirt, Handkerchief, slide, and belt for their Class A, and the Scout’s family can work towards getting the remaining pieces of the Class A over-time. Each time the Pack meets, the Scouts needs to be in Class A or Class B unless otherwise specified.

Q. I am not getting any emails, text messages, or updates, what do I do?

A. – We are very sorry that you have not been getting the information required to be successful. The fix however is very easy. On the home page at the bottom of the page there is a link called “Email Pack Leadership”. Click the link and send leadership a friendly email notifying them of the misunderstanding. The Pack will contact you and ensure that you are added to each distribution list.

Q. My Scout missed a meeting or cannot attend the meeting tonight. What do I do?

A. – That is fine. Pack 4900 understands that sometimes children get sick, or schedules conflict. Merely reaching out by text, email, or phone call to your den leader and letting them know of the absence is great. The Den Leader will contact you and ensure that therein not any Good Turns that the Pack can do to help you. Bad news, does not get better with time; calling sooner then later always helps.